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The Plan...

Our ultimate plan -  is to create a business that will not only provide for our families today, tomorrow and further in the future... but it will help bring in Tourism and the tax dollars that will follow to our Little City of Fennville, Michigan. 

Fennville is on the cusp of something great and very special - this is a Little City of Blue Collar Dreams, Hopes and Ambitions. 

Bangor has struggled in the past to not only define itself but to be progressive and move forward with the changes occurring in the geopolitical realignment of corporations and capital. Once a very thriving little City because of the Factories that were here but that changed, and as the Factories closed or moved away - the City struggled to redefine who they were... 

But that is no longer the case. The City has adopted some very progressive views and ordinances.  Recently, the City voted to embrace Medicinal and Recreational Marijuana, as other townships within the Allegan County opt out or create ordinances prohibiting the sales of marijuana all together. 

Fennville is the "Gateway to the Forrest."  During the prime tourism months, according to a Michigan Department of Transportation study, over 135,000 cars pass thru this Little City daily. 

Fennville, MI is located on M83 a major hub that links Kalamazoo, MI (and Us-131) to the Lakeshore.  Also, I-196 runs on the westside of Fennville and South Haven, MI and is only a 20 minute drive south from here, Saugatuck and Douglas Communities are 10 miles northwest.  

South Haven, Saugatuck and Douglas are hubs of summer tourism. Most of their Holiday Weekends ring in over 250,000 plus people attending those events. 

Fennville currently has: 

* Three Major Restaurant Attractions. 
* A Cider Mill. 
* One Marijuana Dispensary.

* A Fun and Gritty Greasy Spoon.

* A Winery.
* And most importantly - Amazing people who live there. 


And, a decent tax base! 


We want to create something unique for all the Adults who lives here in Fennville; and too tap into the tourism market that is all around us by offering those Adults who travel the M83 corridor a place that will cater to all their primal needs, wants and desires...that they can not find anywhere locally for miles and miles! 


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Create an Adult Emporium that is small and sophisticated that caters to the personal pleasures in life for the mind, body and soul - be they wicked or innocent.

3. For the Soul -

            * Hedonistic Mouth Watering


            * Body Lotions and Rubs

            * Vintage Records and local                       Music


1. For the Mind -

* Board and Role-play games

* Deviant Publications and


* Independent Zines and


2. For the Body -

* Custom Body Art

    - permanent 

    - henna

* Massage Services 

* Adult Cosplay Gear & Toys

We want to help create a community around art, a place where artists, art lovers, lovers and deviants can come together and share a moment or two that helps them re-energize their souls, as they share moments with us in our store and in and among our Community and all that it has to offer.


 Amelia Earhart once said  “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees."  


We believe in this...and its part of our core virtues.  

Getting there...

We are looking for primarily for Investors and we will use GoFundMe to help raise capital - for we would rather stay away from the indentured servitude of the interest rate that just seems to follow a bank loan; we would rather wait and play that card only in an emergency - and on top of that, that interest the banks would make off  the loan for their profit, well, we would rather put that money into the hands of Investors directly then into the hands of Corporate America - they already make enough and this won't hurt them if they miss out - however, you may. 

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What we are hoping to raise...

Interior Design Layout of the space created by Amber Fae.  There are also pics of the current building's interior space so you can compare our vision to what is there now - what is there now would technically allow us to get up and running and remodel down the road.

What we the funds are for...

Total Start-up Cost
Retail Supplies
start-up only
Drive Way
start-up only
start-up only
start-up only
start-up only
start-up only
Tattoo Supplies
start-up only
Grand Opening Advertisements
start-up only
Website Development
per year
Computer Software
per year
12 months
Business Cards and Flyers
start-up only
Licenses and Permits
start-up only
Studio Expenses (see note below)
start-up only

After getting there...

Once all the dividends have been paid back, and all the bills paid off - for with the amount of return that is possible by the creation of this business that is the secondary goal out from under debt asap - so the positive cash flow becomes ours to use.

We want to invest in our community, create more job opportunities, and hopefully creating a Community Neighborhood Grant Program that would divert a certain percentage of the annual profit so we can play it forward and help others in our Community start businesses or even fix up their homes. 

We are looking to create a agri-campground (air bnb) on the 4.5 acres we have behind our barn. This project will be open too investors in 2024; it is projected to earn into the six figures.  Amber Fae, runs one of the most prestigious Short Term Vacation Rental Companies in South Haven, MI and she has all the infrastructure to rent and promote the units in the campground. This project will create both full time and part-time jobs.  When this profits - those profits in turn will purchase more acres to grow to continue to the  create more jobs, and so forth. We will provide a link to that as soon as it goes public. 

We are also looking to invest this spring, Spring 2024, in more Honey bees and produce more honey. Bees are a win-win investment. Good for the environment. Good for the farms around us. Good for our gluttony. Once the campground is running we will look to aggressively move further into Apiary  investing. 

Eventually, we would like to create a Partnership with the Fennville Public Schools to create a Vocational Program to teach students how to become Tattoo Artists. Giving them an opportunity for gainful employment directly our of school. 

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