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The Goods and Goodies for you:

Special Note:  To purchase any of the items listed below, you will be directed to the crowding funding website hosting our fundraiser campaign do to legalities and agreement signed with the host(s). 

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause - while you are trying to help us out! We wish we were able to make this a "one stop shopping trip" per se - but unfortunately to run a successful crowdfunding 
campaign one must abide be the TOS with those platforms. 

Chose your Destiny - are you a Sinner, or are you a Saint?

A quick Personal Note:

First, thank you. Thank you for taking moment out of your day to take a look at our site and listen to our story.


Secondly, I would like to take a moment to thank my life and business partner, Amber Fae, for standing by me and helping me pursue this dream; for using her artistic talents to create a beautiful shop interior to work toward, all her time and consultation into the idea of this enterprise, the branding and direction - you have been my rock and my light! So thank you...I love you. 


And last but not least, a sincere "Thank you" to all the friends and family who have stood behind me, and to all of those that have encouraged me year after year, after year - to do this - to open up my very own shop...the time has come and I will attempt to heed your advice



click on an image below to view your fate and fortune.


For the Sinner

For the Saint

satisfaction thumbs up.png

There is something for Everyone...

Take me to Black's Crowdfunding Site

"Every Saint has a past and  every Sinner has a future." 

- Oscar Wilde

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