Join the

Memberships at Black’s Emporium are like the Devil’s Street Cred.
For only $19.99/month, you’ll have accruing debauchery coming your way every regularly. Gluttony, Vanity, Lust, Pride, Sloth...in your mailbox and/or at Black’s, for you and for your friends.
You’ll be the hero of the debauchers.
* 10% off every tattoo.
* 2 pieces of Fae's Chocolate
Obsession and Game
Piece (see the "Also" section
below for further details) every
* Quarterly Newsletter with
additional coupons that can be
used with your Membership
* Two Week Advanced Notice of
ALL classes, apprenticeships,
Visiting and Guest Artists.
* First 24 Hour Access - to purchase
tickets to events, class
registrations, and to sign up for
time with Visiting and Guest
You also receive - One spin on the prize wheel for Birthday Bonus Gift.
And Anniversary Gifts - Get rewards for your longevity as a Member!
(see below for more details)
We will be AUCTIONING off the FIRST 50 Memberships and the rights to those Numbers!
Why are we Auctioning off the first 50 Memberships?
- Each Number comes with a
special ID Card.
- Each Membership Card 1-50 also unlocks an annual benefit pertaining to each card's essence (Sinner or Saint). Memberships 51 and above will not receive this benefit.
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This auction a part of our fundraising campaign. Our first 50 membership packages have been designed to give added benefits to our earliest investors. These EARLY BIRD MEMBERSHIP SALES are an Investment, your Investment, in our Dream. Your Investment will help us get there!
We are going to open a shop - its just a matter of finding the right location!
By purchasing an EARLY BIRD MEMBERSHIP you are locking in your number and the clock starts ticking on the 'Reward Unlocks' (see below for more info) - so when the Emporium opens you are already winning without being charged again.
We will be auctioning off all the membership numbers; starting at $100.00.
However, the "Prestigious" Membership Numbers - 007, 013 and 042 will start at $150.00.
"Biblical" Numbers - 001 (the Alpha Card) and 050 (the Omega Card) will start at $200.00.
We understand that these Membership are a big deal - you use your hard earned money to purchase it.
Therefore - Memberships can be transferable. You can give it away or sell it. Its up to you - you own that number and all its benefits. You could even just throw it away...forever retiring the membership number out of exisitance.
(see below for details)
So, choose your Membership Essence - are you a Sinner or Saint?
Sinners and Saints each have the same basic benefits. The BIG difference between the two memberships is a once a year bonus discount on final in-store purchase. It will also influence any free gifts or bonus rewards you receive.

For the Saint
An extra 15% off a one time purchase of 'G' thru 'PG' rated items per year.

For the Sinner
An extra 15% off a one time purchase of 'R' thru 'X' rated items per year.
Longevity and Stamina, seemingly the most basic ingredients for success in most things. Of course, we like longevity and stamina here at Black's Emporium for countless reasons.
Do you have the stamina to grow with us?
The longer you stick with us, the more powerful your membership gets!
Second Month
You will receive a limited addition Black's Emporium Pin-Up Poster. Your Choice Male or Female.
Six Month
Limited Addition T-Shirt.
Access to our "24 B4" Program.
Black's Annual Pin-up Calendar.
12 Month
Limited Addition Hoodie.
1 Blasphemy Jar.
1 Very Grown up 'Sinner' or 'Saint' toy box.
Access to "Hosting Tattoo" Parties.
Two Years
All thee above benefits. This means you receive -
All "Access" Programs
Limited T-Shirt and Hoodie
Limited Addition Pin-up Poster
1 Blasphemy Jar
1 very Grown up toy box based on your card
PLUS - One SPIN on the Anniversary Prize Wheel.
Rewards range from discounts to free
tattoos, games and adult toys.
Five Years
All thee above benefits. This means you receive -
All "Access" Programs
Limited T-Shirt and Hoodie
Limited Addition Pin-up Poster
1 Blasphemy Jar
1 very Grown up toy box based on your card
1 SPIN on the Anniversary Prize Wheel.
Rewards range from discounts to free
tattoos, games and adult toys.
PLUS - Holiday Stocking stuffed to the top based on your card's essence!
"24 B4" Program
This is an Exclusive Members Only Program. Members are notified before the general public (thru email blasts) about new major products, visiting and guest artists, parties and other special TICKETED or REGISTERED EVENT(s) - and are ALLOWED to register or purchase tickets 24 hours prior to public sale(s).

Host a Tattoo Party for your friends at Black's Emporium!
For $500.00 dollars you receive an after-hour party that consists of:
- One Tattoo Artist - doing small 5 minute tattoos (one or two colors simple designs) free of charge for 1.5 hours.
(tips are appreciated)
- Catered Services by Black for additional fee or BYOB and food.
- Music provided at your request...because we have awesome play lists from National to local Artists like Oceans Beneath Us. Or bring your own.
We are in our fundraising phase, and all Membership benefits will be honored once store is open and running. Please consider this an investment. Your monthly membership dues will begin the month of opening. All members will be notified and billed for their dues.
Members will be notified of the grand opening date 2 months prior via email, including your membership agreement (the fine print, basic decency, and other legalities) and your first coupon for discounts on ink. Recurring, monthly membership dues and benefits will begin 1 month prior to grand opening. Members who opt out will lose rights to their membership number and any privileges or bonuses they had accumulated. Black's Emporium also retains the right to remove anyone from the Tribe at any time without notice. If you feel you were unjustly expelled, you may file a grievance with our Board to dispute it.
Bonus...for reading this far
Along with their decadent treats from Fae, Members will receive an Art Puzzle Game Piece each month. After collecting 12 of these you will unlock a special deal targeted to your longevity in the Tribe. The longer you are a member the greater the reward...
Examples of rewards -
1st Year - Discount Coupon or Free
Shop product.
2nd Year - Bit Bigger Discount coupon
or Free T-shirt.
5th Year - Bigger Discount coupon or
Free Tattoo Medium size
three colors.

Rewards are a secret, so we won't to tip our hats too far and tell you everything, for what fun is there in that? What we can tell you is that each year we will draw out of a hat the prizes for each yearly anniversary reward level.